
This document provides guidance for players on using and creating mods, including finding corresponding function commands.


Players can create custom skill cards and power cards through configuring card tables.

Support for customization:

⚫ Card Types: Skill Cards and Power Cards

⚫ Card Rarity

⚫ The character card belong to

⚫Card Functions

⚫ Card Energy Cost

⚫ Card is Exhaust

⚫ Card Image

⚫ Card Name

3.How to Use (File Structure, Upload, Update)

1.Introduction to MOD File Structure:

At the root directory of the mod folder, there are two folders: Cards and Images. The Cards folder contains a table file named "MODCard". Custom cards are primarily configured in this table. The Image folder is used to store the card image of custom cards. The address of the corresponding card face is read by configuring it in the MODCard table.

The structure of the MOD folder is as follows: